If needed, you can temporarily suspend a user's access to a specific or all locations of your property. During suspension, Genea will not delete the user's profile or event data, but the user’s credentials will not grant access at any doors until the suspension is lifted.
User access can be suspended from a location or all locations via one of the following methods:
Admins or sub-admins can independently suspend a user's location access.
The system can suspend the user's access nightly if your workplace utilizes one or more of Genea's Safe Workplace features.
Follow the steps below to temporarily suspend access for a user.
Suspend or Activate Access for Users At A Specific Location
1. Navigate to the 'All Users' tab within your admin dashboard.
2. Click into the profile of the user to whom you would like to suspend access.
3. Find the 'Locations' section under the user's profile.
4. To suspend the user's access at a specific location, click on 'Actions' > 'Suspend Access' next to the location name.
Once suspended, the user's location access status will list as 'Suspended.'
Note: A user's suspension status can only be lifted by a system administrator.
Admins can re-activate a user's location access by clicking 'Actions' > 'Activate Access' next to the location name within the user profile.
Suspend or Activate Access for Users from All Accessible Locations
As an administrator, you can suspend a user's access from all the locations as well. To do so, click on the 'Suspend Access' button at the top of the 'Locations' section under the user profile.
This action will immediately revoke user's access to all locations, and their keys will not grant access at any doors until the suspension is lifted.
Note: Administrators can only suspend user access at the locations where they hold the admin rights.
To re-activate the users access at all locations, click on the 'Activate Access' button at the top of the 'Locations' section under the user profile.
Important notes:
User's suspended manually by admins can only be re-activated manually by admins.
Users suspended via Safe Workplace will be activated once the user registers and successfully passes through the check-in flow.
Manually performed suspensions will always hold the highest priority in the Genea system, and it will override all other modes of user access activation for the location.
You can export your user data, which will have details of users' location access statuses.
If you have any questions about this feature or have any other requests, please reach out to acsupport@getgenea.com.