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Genea Access Control System Integration with Avigilon Alta Video Management System
Genea Access Control System Integration with Avigilon Alta Video Management System

Learn how to integrate your Genea Access Control System with Avigilon Alta Video Management System

Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over a year ago

Genea access control integration with Avigilon Alta video management system merges access control and video surveillance. By incorporating Avigilon Alta into the Genea ACS, you can quickly view the video clip for an event , you can display live video the Genea system.

Setting Up Your Genea ACS + Avigilon Alta video management system

1) Navigate to the 'Integrations' tab in your admin dashboard.

2) Go to 'Video Management Systems' integrations, and click 'Install' under the Avigilon Alta integration.

3) On click of "Install", following details should be added by the user:

a. Server URL

b. Username

c. Password

These details will be provide by Avigilon Alta.

If account is 2FA enabled on Avigilon Alta, then you need to authenticate the login with Authenticator app same as Avigilon Alta VMS account.

4) Once the installation is completed user will be able to change settings, manage location and map cameras to Doors


On click of Manage, user will land into settings page of Avigilon Alta, here you can manage the account setting and Camera offset setting, and uninstall the integration if required.

1) Under Avigilon Alta Account Details, details of the account will be shown, and on click of edit user will be able to edit to account details.

2) Under Avigilon Alta setting, user will be able to set offset for the camera. Negative offset will indicate that the video clip for any event will start 'x' secs before the actual event time. For e.g. if the offset is '-5s', and the Event time is 09:15:40 a.m. the video clip for this event will stat from 09:15:35 a.m.

Positive offset will indicate that the video clip for any event will start 'x' secs after the actual event time. For e.g. if the offset is '5s', and the Event time is 09:15:40 a.m. the video clip for this event will stat from 09:15:45 a.m.

Zero offset will indicate that the video clip for any event will start at the actual event time.

Note: A video will run only for 30 secs no matter what offset is set.


Under this tab, all the location for the user willbe listed and you can do the mapping of cameras and doors for each location

How to Map camera to door?

1) Click on one of the location for a customer and you will be able to add camera and door mapping, and also see list of mappings already done.

On click of '+New' button, a modal will pen which will help you add a new camera mapping. You can select the Door and the Camera from the dropdown and click on Save to add a new mapping.

You can also edit and already exsisting mapping, by clicking on 'Edit' link under action, same modal as shown above will open but here you will not be able to change the door name. You can also delete a mapping by clicking on 'Delete' link under action.

How to see a video clip for an Event?

User willbe able to see a 30 sec video clip for an event. For this you will have to go in the location view, in the Activity section under access logs, we have a column of 'Camera'. For any event that column will have a link to the video, on click of which the video will play.

On click of the link of camera the video will play for 30 seconds, based on the offset set (as explained above)

Avigilon Alta will provide license for the storage of video clips, based on the period of it, the storage will work. If we have a license of a month, and in the access logs we go to an event which is more than a month old, the camera link will still appear, but on click of the link an error will appear,

'No video stream found!
Possible reason could be slow connectivity or the video doesn't exist on the Avigilon Alta server, please check your storage setting.'

Live stream of Video?

Live stream of video will be visible in the control center, under door tab. For each door there will be link to the camera that is mapped to it.

On click of the camera link you will be able to see the live feed.

If you have any questions about this integration or have any feature requests, please reach out to

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