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Home Location

This article describes how you can add and modify home location of users.

Hiral Dave avatar
Written by Hiral Dave
Updated over 7 months ago

Home Location

Home Location allows to understand and optimize the workplace utilization by providing invaluable insights into user locations. Using this data, our upcoming feature called Custom Dashboard would be offering a comprehensive insight on occupancy trends like daily and monthly arrival patterns, as well as global trends. Furthermore, the integration of Home Location data will not only enhance our existing reporting and analytics capabilities but will allow to provide additional comprehensive insights in the future, enabling the businesses to make informed decisions based on real-time occupancy insights.

Migration Process

During the migration, users who have access to only one location will have that location assigned as their Home Location. While users having access to multiple locations, the last scanned location will be assigned as their Home Location. In both the scenarios, users can modify their Home Location from their user profile.

Adding Home Location

When creating a user profile, there’s an optional field called the “Home location”, which refers to the primary location of the user. Though it’s an optional field, however, it is highly recommended as it helps us to serve you better in our upcoming feature called “Custom Dashboard”. Additionally, users have the flexibility to add and modify the Home Location at any time after creating their profile.

Follow the steps below to add and modify the Home Location:

1) Under the 'All Users' page in your Genea portal, navigate to the User's profile.

2) Under the user's 'User Profile' section, click on the Edit button to add the Home Location.

3) Select one Home Location from the dropdown menu and save the changes. The Home Location list comprises of all locations created in the portal. 

4) The selected Home Location is reflected on the User Profile of the user.

Filtering based on Home Location

Users can now be filtered based on their Home Location in "All Users" under User Management. This filter is Location-specific only. 

Audit Log for Home Location

Whenever a Home Location is added or modified, an audit log showing the previous and updated Home Location is displayed in the user profile. These logs will only be visible in Audit Log of the Beta version

Follow the steps to view the Home Location-related logs in Audit Log:

1) Enable the "Try the Beta" toggle button to view the Home Location-related logs.

Note that this button is only visible to customers who are using full Mercury hardware with their Genea platform.

2) An entry in the Audit Log of "Updated User Username" is logged when Home Location is added or modified.

3) Click on "View Details" for the corresponding entry to see the changes made in the User Profile, which will include any updates to Home Location information.

4) Side panel will appear with three sections: Basic, Summary and Snapshot.

The changes of Home Location will be visible under Summary and Snapshot.

The Summary section provides a brief explanation of the event, "Added Home Location - Genea Ahmedabad ".

In the Snapshot section, changes to the Home Location are displayed. In the Old section, there is no Home Location data displayed as it was not added previously. In the New section, "Genea Ahmedabad" is shown as the newly added Home Location, highlighted in green.

How to assign Home Location via Microsoft Entra ID and Okta (SCIM Integration)?

With the introduction of the Home Location attribute, user can create and map this attribute in Microsoft Entra ID and Okta, thereby eliminating the need for manual input in the Genea web application.

Assignment through Microsoft Entra ID

To automate the assignment of Home Location in the Genea web application using Microsoft Entra ID, follow these steps:

  1. Browse to 'Microsoft Entra ID' > 'Identity' > 'All Applications' > 'Enterprise Applications.'

  2. Select your 'Application'

  3. On the resulting screen, select the 'Provisioning' tab in the left column.

  4. Click on 'Edit Provisioning' to add Home Location attribute.

6. Navigate to 'Mapping' and select 'Provision Microsoft Entra ID Users'

7. Check the 'Show advanced options' checkbox and select 'Edit attribute list for customappsso'

8. Under 'Edit attribute list for customappsso,' enter the following extended Home Location attribute:


Click 'Save' to update the attribute list.

9. Select 'Add Mapping' to map the Microsoft Entra attribute with the Home Location attribute through an expression.

Below is a sample expression that can be customized based on your operations. This expression can be configured on any user attribute (e.g., Country, Region, State) in Microsoft Entra.

Switch([city], "None",

"Berlin", "Genea - Berlin",

"Netherlands", "Genea - Netherlands",

"Paris", "Genea - Paris")

According to the expression, when the user's city is set as 'Berlin' in Microsoft Entra, the 'Genea - Berlin' Home Location will be assigned to the respective user in the Genea web application.

If no city is set or if it is removed from the user's profile, the assigned Home Location will be removed.


  1. If the location name has been changed in Genea, you must update the expression in Microsoft Entra.

  2. If a new location is added in Genea, you must update the existing expression with the new location in Microsoft Entra.

Assignment through Okta

To automate the assignment of Home Location in the Genea web application using Okta, follow these steps:

Step 1: Navigate to the 'Provisioning' tab in your Genea Access Control app within your Okta Admin dashboard and click on "Go to Profile Editor."

Step 2: Click 'Add Attribute' and create a Home Location attribute and click on 'Save.'
Enter the following ​External namespace:


Step 3: Once the attributes have been created, it's time for mapping. Click on 'Mappings' and select 'Configure User mappings'.

Step 4: Click on the 'Okta to Genea Access Control' tab and map the Home Location attribute you've just created, as shown in the screenshots below, then click 'Save.'

Below is a sample expression that can be customized based on your operations. This expression should be configured on the Home Location attribute in Okta.

String.stringSwitch(, "None",

"Berlin", "Genea - Berlin",

"Netherlands", "Genea Netherlands",

"Paris", "Genea - Paris")

According to the expression, when the user's city is set as 'Berlin' in Okta, the 'Genea - Berlin' Home Location will be assigned to the respective user in the Genea web application.

If no city is set or if it is removed from the user's profile, the assigned Home Location will be removed.


  1. If the location name has been changed in Genea, you must update the expression in Okta

  2. If a new location is added in Genea, you must update the existing expression with the new location in Okta.

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