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How to Issue PIN Codes to Users

Give your users an alternative way of accessing your property by assigning them PIN codes.

Michael Maxsenti avatar
Written by Michael Maxsenti
Updated over 4 years ago

Issuing PIN codes can be an easy way to provide access to users who will not need long-term access to your property, and they can be helpful if a user loses their physical key card or mobile key. PINs are also necessary if you have enabled two-factor authentication (2FA). If you would like to give your users the option to use a PIN code to access your office or community, you will need to issue each of your users a unique PIN. 

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you would like to give your users the option to use PIN codes, you will need to install RPK40 readers at all necessary access points. Unlike RP10, RP15, and RP40 readers, RPK40’s include a pin pad. If you would like to utilize RPK40 readers, reach out to to discuss ordering the hardware and organizing installation.

How to Generate a PIN Code

With Genea, you have the option to allow your users to select their own PIN, or allow the system to randomly generate one for you. Users can only be assigned a single PIN code. If two-factor authentication is enabled at your property, their PIN will work with every one of their credentials. Also keep in mind that every user must have their own unique PIN, multiple users cannot be assigned identical PINs. Follow the steps below to learn how to issue a PIN code.

1) Navigate to the profile of the user to whom you would like to issue a PIN code. 

2) Under the user's 'PIN' section, press the '+ New' button.

3) When creating the user's PIN, first determine the length. The code can be anywhere between four to eight digits long. Once you determine the length, the system will randomly generate a PIN for the user. 

If you would prefer your users choose their own PINs, you can also type a custom PIN into the PIN box.

4) Press the 'Save' button to assign the PIN to the user. Once saved, the user will be able to use their PIN at any PIN enabled readers at your property.


If you've enabled 2FA or have given users the option to utilize a PIN code on any of your property RPK40s, they will need to know how to enter their code in order to gain access.

At this time by default, users will be required to press the '#' button after entering their PIN in order for their PIN to be accepted by the reader. The only time the '#' will not be required is if the PIN code is 8 digits long.

If your system is enabled for 2FA, after swiping his or her credential a user will have 15 seconds in order to successfully enter their PIN code. If the user does not successfully enter their PIN within that 15 second timeframe, they will be required to re-scan their credential before trying to enter their pin again.

If your reader is configured for 'Card and PIN' and a user enters an incorrect PIN, they will be denied access and a 'Deny Access - Wrong PIN' event will be logged in your system activity log.

If your reader is configured for 'Card or PIN' and a user enters an incorrect PIN, they will be denied access and a 'Deny Access - Card/PIN Not Found' event will be logged in your system activity log.

If you would like to learn more about utilizing PIN codes at your office or community, please send inquiries to

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