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Custom Dashboard
Hiral Dave avatar
Written by Hiral Dave
Updated over 7 months ago


The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive guide on how to use the Custom Dashboard feature on the Genea Platform.

Designed specifically for administrators and security personnel, the Custom Dashboard provides a comprehensive, single pane of glass that enables users to effortlessly manage and monitor multiple locations from one central point. This feature streamlines operations, enhances oversight, and simplifies the complexities associated with overseeing various sites, data sets and systems, all through a seamlessly integrated and customizable interface.


  1. Global overview -> Toggle "Try Custom Dashboard" to on

  2. Select + Add Widget in top right of screen

  3. Drag and drop widgets of your choosing onto the dashboard

  4. Enjoy (and send us feedback about what you like/don't like or widget ideas)!

The Detailed Version:

How to enable Custom Dashboard?

You can toggle between the Custom Dashboard and classic dashboard experience using the radio toggle button in the top right of the Global Overview dashboard. Users can easily switch back to the Classic Dashboard whenever necessary.

Widget Gallery

The user can create their personalized dashboard by utilizing the intuitive drag-and-drop functionality to place widgets onto their dashboard.

  1. Access the Widget Gallery:

    Click on '+Add Widget' or '+Add your first widget' to navigate to the Widget Gallery.

2. Drag and drop the widget you want to add onto the dashboard. The user can rearrange them as needed.

1. Surveillance Widgets

1.1 Access Log Live Feed Widget

This widget enables users to access recent logs and swipes based on the events selected of various doors across multiple locations. Users can also toggle to view only upcoming swipes, closing the recent log list for streamlined viewing. The widget comprises two sections: one for displaying card swipes and another for recent logs.

  1. While adding the widget in the dashboard, it is mandatory for the user to select the Events, Location and Doors for which they want to receive the card swipes and recent logs. By default, Access Granted, Access Denied - No Door Access, Access Denied - Expired, Access Denied - Not Active. Access Denied - Out of Schedule are selected under events. 

  2. Card Swipe section: It displays card swipes, offering users the ability to pause or navigate to the latest or next swipe. Each card displays the details of the user and event.

    a. Play/Pause: By default, the widget operates in "Play" mode, but users can pause at any time. While paused, card swipes will queue up sequentially, with the total count displayed in the bottom right corner. During the Play mode, the cards will keep on moving to next at every 5 seconds.

    b. Next: This button enables the user to proceed to the next card swipe in the queue.

    c. Latest: This button allows the user to jump to the latest card swipe instead of navigating through the sequence. As a result, previous card swipes will be moved as logs in the recent log section.

  3. Recent Log section: It showcases recent door activity logs. Total 25 recent logs are displayed in this section. For detailed insights into each event, click on "Details".

  4. In the "More Options", a toggle button is provided to Show/Hide the Recent logs. By default, this option is enabled. If the user chooses to disable, only the card swipes section will be displayed.

  5. In the corresponding log, if a camera is linked to the Door/Elevator where the Swipe occurred, the video camera symbol will be present, allowing the user access to the camera feed of that specific moment.

1.2 Camera Widget

This widget displays the camera feed from a selected camera placed in different location.

  1. Select the 'Camera' widget from the widget gallery. 

  2. Select the location and the camera from the drop-down list. 

    Note: The user will only be able to view and select the locations and cameras in the dropdown list for which they have permission access.

  3. The Live status and Camera full screen option is available for each camera.

  4. Click on 'Full Screen' icon to view the live view.

The user can place same camera multiple times on the dashboard. There is no restriction on placing duplicate cameras.

If the live feed is not visible for the camera selected, please check the camera integration and connections.

1.3 Door Monitor Widget

This widget allows the user to monitor a specific door of any location. Only one door can be monitored at a time in this widget. The widget comprises three sections: one dedicated to displaying Live view, another for Door functions, and the last for Door access logs.

  1. Select 'Door Monitor' widget from the widget gallery.

  2. Select the location & door from the drop-down list that you wish to monitor.

  3. Live View: It displays the live view from the camera integrated with the selected door. If there are multiple cameras integrated with a single door, first camera is selected by default. Please note, this section will be visible only if any camera is attached and configured for that door.

    a. The camera name is displayed in the camera live view.

    b. Click on the 'Full Screen' icon to view the live view in full screen.

  4. Door Functions: This section displays the Door name, location and current lock/unlock status.

    a. Lock/Unlock tab: This status is retrieved based on the current door status. Allows the user to unlock/lock the door manually by clicking on this option.

    Click on 'Unlock' to open the door. In this case, Quick Grant tab will be disabled. The Door Access logs will display a record when the door is unlocked.

    b. Quick Grant tab: Selecting the "Quick Grant" will unlock the door for a duration of 5 seconds. The Door Access logs will display a record of Quick Grant.

  5. Door Access logs: This section displays the access logs of the selected door. Total 25 recent logs are displayed.

1.4 Alarm Console Widget

In the Alarm console, users can simply choose the alarms they want to see on the dashboard widget. The list includes alarms from the past seven days or the latest 100 alarms, ensuring a maximum of 100 alarms are displayed in the widget. These 100 alarms exclude the ones which are already acknowledged.

  1. Select the Alarm Console widget from the widget gallery.

    The alarms indicate the severity levels, "Urgent", "High", "Medium", and "Low" based on their configuration.

  2. Click on 'Tick' icon to acknowledge the respective alarm. A pop-up will then appear to enter the description before confirming the acknowledgement.

  3. Click on 'Details' icon to view the additional information about the alarm.

  4. The 'All Alarms' option navigates the user to 'All Alarms' module under Alarm Management.

1.5 Floor Plan Widget

This widget offers users insights into uploaded floor plans, empowering maintenance and hardware debug teams. It facilitates seamless collaboration and improves decision-making, enhancing users' capacity to manage their spaces with efficiency and effectiveness.

  1. Select the Floor Plan widget from the widget gallery.

  2. Select the location and floor plan from the drop-down list.

  3. In the floor plan, by default all devices are displayed. Users can customize the display on the floor plan by deselecting options from the 'All Devices' filter. Also, the user can Zoom In/Out and recenter the floor plan.

If no floor plan is uploaded in the selected floor plan, an empty state will be displayed prompting the user to upload one. Click on the Upload button, to add, edit or delete the selected floor plan.

2. Emergency Control

2.1 Emergency Plan Widget

With this widget, users can trigger the emergency plan directly from the dashboard, eliminating the need to navigate to the Emergency Plans module.

  1. Select the Emergency Plan widget from the widget gallery.

  2. Select the location and emergency plans for the respective location. Users can add emergency plans of multiple locations. The placed emergency plans will be displayed in 'Placed Emergency Plans' section.

  3. To trigger a plan, simply click on the "Blue button" against the emergency plan, that you wish to trigger. You'll notice the controller's trigger state indicated on the floor plan.

  4. A plan can be reverted in a similar way by clicking on the Red "Revert" button.

3. Device Health

3.1 Panel Health Widget

This widget displays the health status of Controllers and Interface Panels configured at different locations.

  1. Select the Panel Health widget from widget gallery.

  2. Select up to 10 locations from the widget configuration. The selected locations will be displayed in 'Placed Location' section.

  3. A horizontal bar chart shows the online and offline statuses for Controllers and Interface Panels together. Users have the option to select either Controllers or Interface Panels to view their individual online/offline status.

  4. From the 'More Options', click on 'Export Chart' to export the graph to the local system.

4. User Management

4.1 Add User Widget

This widget allows the user to quickly create a new user without having to navigate to the User Management module. Furthermore, users can also add card and wallet access for the recently created users.

  1. Click on the +Add to create a new user.

  2. A pop-up will appear to fill the details to add the user. Fill in the details and click on 'Save'.

  3. The newly created user will be visible in the recently added list of the widget.

  4. To add mobile key to the respective user, click on the key icon. A pop-up to Add Card will open up. The user can choose between Mobile Key or Keycard based on their preference and fill in the required details in the form.

5. To activate Apple Wallet, integration in the respective customer is required as well as it should be enabled for the user.

Additionally, there is an "All Users" link provided, which will direct users to the "All Users" page within the User Management module.

4.2 Add Key Widget

This widget allows the user to quickly assign the users with credentials and print the badge.

  1. Click on +Add to add card to any user.

  2. A pop-up to Add Card will open up. The user can choose between Mobile Key or Keycard based on their preference and fill in the required details in the form.

  3. The list of users will display for whom, the key has been recently added, along with "Print Badge" icon.

  4. To print the badge, users should click on the "Print Badge" icon. If users have access to multiple locations, they need to select the desired location before printing the badge.

Note: The "Print Badge" icon will only show up on assigning a Keycard to respective user.

4.3 Print Badge Widget

This widget allows to print badges for the users having keycards.

  1. Click on "Print" icon to search and select the user of whom you want to print the badge.

2. Also, in the Recently Added Keycard list, there is a "Print Badge" icon corresponding to each user.

Empty State of Widgets

  1. No Activity Yet: This state is shown when the user has seen all the card swipes in Access Log Live Feed widget.

  2. No recent logs available: This state is shown in the Access Log Live Feed and Door Monitor, when no recent logs are available. The recent logs will show up as soon as some activity happens on the door.

  3. Widget Alert: This status is shown for two reasons:

    1. When permissions have been revoked for any resources configured or

    2. When the resource configured in the widget is deleted

  4. No User Added Recently: This state appears when there have been no recent additions of users.

  5. No Alarms Available: This state indicates when there are currently no alarms available.

  6. No Floor Plans Uploaded: This state indicates when no floor plans have been uploaded for the selected location and floor plan. Users can click on the provided link to navigate directly to the floor plan configuration page.

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