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How do I create a schedule?

Learn how to create schedules so your users can have access to your property at certain times.

Michael Maxsenti avatar
Written by Michael Maxsenti
Updated over 7 months ago

What is a schedule?

A schedule is a period of time during which a door or gate can be accessed. You will create schedules so that your users can have access to the specific areas they need, during the specific times you set. For example, you might set a 9am-5pm schedule on a lobby door so your employees can access your building for their shift. Before 9am and after 5pm, their credentials will not work on the door and they will not have access to your property.

How to Create a Schedule

1) To create a schedule, click on the ‘Access Control’ tab in your Genea admin dashboard. Navigate to the 'Schedules' section. Click the '+ Add button. 

2) Name the schedule, add a description (optional), and then add the +Weekdays times for the schedule. 

Holiday Exemptions

1.) If you would like to place any Holiday Exemptions on the schedule, click '+ Add Holiday Exemptions' and select the desired holiday group. To learn more about holiday exceptions, click here

2.) Select the holiday group to apply and integrate exemptions for holidays to either permit or restrict access on off non-working days.

  • Note: Keep in mind that whatever time frame you set for a holiday exception will grant access to your property for users during those specified times.

IMPORTANT: Holiday exceptions will only override access on the given schedule to which they have been applied. If your system utilizes multiple schedules, you will need to apply holiday exceptions to each individual schedule if needed.

3.) Select the 'Save' button to implement the holiday exception. Once saved, the schedule will be ready to apply to an access group or to a door reader as an automatic door unlick schedule

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about Genea access control, please send inquiries to

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