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How to configure one-time door schedule

Learn how to change the access mode of doors for specific dates at your property on a regular schedule by using one-time door schedules.

Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over 6 months ago

By default, the Genea access control system automatically keeps all doors and gates on your property locked and secure (access mode 'Card Only'). But what if you have an event next week and want to provide free access to the Pantry doors for everyone? You can achieve this by adding a one-time door schedule to your system.

Let's explore how to configure it.

1. Go to Control Centre > One-Time Door Schedule.

2. Click '+ Add'

3. Choose the door from the list to put it on a one-time schedule.

4. On the next screen, choose the date and time for the one-time schedule, and select the door mode. You can also add an optional note, schedule, and close.

If a door is scheduled multiple times in the same day, the entry at the top of the list will take priority, and the schedule mode will be followed accordingly.

Note: This feature is a limited release and has been enabled for only a few portals. To explore this feature early, please contact our support team
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