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Muster Reporting
Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over a year ago

With Genea, you can generate a muster report at any time. This report will help you understand that at any particular time how many people are on-premise. You can add entry doors and exit doors you specifically need. To export your muster report, follow the steps below.

1) Navigate to the 'Activity' page in your Genea admin dashboard.

2) Besides the Arrival report button you can also find the 'Muster Report' button.

3) On click of this a modal opens where you can select the Entry doors and Exit doors. Both of them are multi select options.

4) This report will consist of the last 48 hours of data from the time of generation. i.e. If the report is created on 03/23/2022 at 4:00 p.m. The data will be collected from 03/21/2022 at 4:00 p.m. to 03/23/2022 at 4:00 p.m

5) Once all the data is entered you can click on the Export button and the Muster report will be generated

6) A CSV file will be generated as seen below:

7) Report will have details of last accessed Door and time for a user to understand their last location in the premise.

Learn more about custom reporting here.

If you have any questions regarding muster reports, reach out to Genea Support at any time at

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