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How To Configure Anti-Passback with VertX Hardware
How To Configure Anti-Passback with VertX Hardware

Strengthen security at your office or community by enabling Anti-Passback.

Mishit avatar
Written by Mishit
Updated over 3 years ago

In this article, you will learn:

  • How To Configure Area-based Anti-Passback

  • How To Configure Time-based Anti-Passback

  • How To Clear Anti-Passback Violation

  • How to Exempt Special Users From  Anti-Passback


In physical Access Control, the Anti-passback (APB) feature is implemented to stop personnel from accessing controlled areas with someone else’s credential.   

When activated, a single credential cannot be used to enter the same area within a certain time frame, or without exiting the area first. For example, the anti-passback feature is most commonly used at parking gates. The typical user of a parking lot would normally swipe their card at the “in” reader to enter the lot, and then swipe it at the “out” reader to exit. However, if a user swipes their card at the “in” reader, then passes their card back to a friend, the card would be denied access the second time when swiped by the friend.

Anti-Passback can also be used at employee entrance doors. If a cardholder holds open a door for another person, the second person would not be able to exit even if they have an access card because the system requires the cardholder to log an entrance in the system before they can leave.

To track Anti-Passback, a card reader must be installed on both the inside and the outside of a door or gate. Users are required to use their credential to enter and exit the building.

There are two types of Anti-Passback modes : 

1. Area-based Anti-Passback

This mode applies to a set of readers - 'Entry' and 'Exit' readers. In this mode, the system tracks each card that enters through the 'Entry' reader and it does not allow the same card to swipe at the reader consecutively. The user must first swipe their credential at the 'Exit' reader in order to re-utilize the 'Entry' reader.  

2. Time-based Anti-Passback

This mode is used on a per reader basis. It utilizes a timer to determine the pre-set interval before a cardholder can gain entry through the same reader again. For example, if a reader is configured with a 10 minute time-based Anti-Passback setting, it means that a cardholder cannot swipe their credential at the reader for at least 10 minutes after their first swipe.

How to Configure Area-based Anti-Passback

1. Create an Area.

  • Click on the 'Areas' tab in your Genea admin dashboard.

  • Create a new area by clicking on the '+ New' button. 

  • Give the new area a name and description.

Let's say you have four doors - two for Entry and two for Exit - and they all belong to a common area. In that case, you just need to create one new area.  

2. Configure your Readers.

  • For area-based Anti-Passback, you will need a set of 'Entry' and 'Exit' readers. Identify these readers in your system, based on your area requirements. 

  • Once your 'Entry' and 'Exit' readers have been identified, click on the 'Hardware' tab in your Genea admin dashboard. Next, click the name of the appropriate reader to edit its configuration.

  • Under the reader's 'Anti-Passback' section, click 'Edit.'

  • Select the 'Area-based' Anti-Passback option, and select the appropriate 'Area' that you've created in the previous step.

  • You will need to select the 'Area' separately for both the 'Entry' and 'Exit' readers you will be configuring. This means that for the reader that will be used as your Anti-Passback 'Entry,' under the 'Entry Area' drop-down menu, you will choose the appropriate "Area" and you may leave the 'Exit Area' drop-down menu blank. When separately editing your 'Exit' Anti-Passback reader, under the 'Exit Area' drop-down menu, you will choose the appropriate "Area" and you may leave the 'Entry Area' drop-down menu blank.

3. Select the Anti-Passback Violation Action.

When an anti-passback violation occurs, you can choose to apply a violation action. There are four from which you can choose.

None - There will be no violation action if the user attempts to break the anti-passback rule.

Log Only - This will only log the APB violation in your system. The user will still be allowed to use the same credential at the same door consecutively. Admins will be notified about the violation.

Log & Deny - This will log the APB violation and will deny the offending user access to whichever entry point they have consecutively tried to enter or exit. Admins will be notified about the violation. Admins will be given the option to "Clear Anti-Passback" for the violated card so that user can regain access to the area if need be.

Log & Allow Entry, Deny Exit - This is a special case violation where the offense will be logged in your system and will ONLY allow the user entry access. The user will not be able to use his or her credential to exit until their APB violation has been cleared by a system Admin.   

After configuring anti-passback settings for the reader, press the 'Save' button to save the configuration and put the anti-passback feature into effect.

How to Configure Time-based Anti-Passback

Time-based Anti-Passback is only applied to a single door. To configure time-based anti-passback, follow the steps below.

1) Click on the 'Hardware' tab in your Genea admin dashboard. Next, click the name of the appropriate reader upon which you'd like to enable anti-passback. 

2) Select the 'Time-based' anti-passback option. Then, select the appropriate 'Timeout' interval. The anti-passback timeout can range anywhere from one minute to 15 minutes. Lastly, select the desired anti-passback 'Violation Action.'

3) Press the 'Save' button to save the configuration and put the anti-passback feature into effect.

How To Clear Anti-Passback Violations

Anti-Passback violations are tracked using the offending user's credential. If you have selected either the 'Log & Deny' or 'Log & Allow Entry, Deny Exit' violations, then you will need to clear the credential's violation status so that its user can regain access. 

  • To clear a violation, navigate to the offending user's profile within your Genea admin dashboard.

  • Under the user's 'Cards' section, click on the 'Actions' option next to their credential(s), then select 'Clear Anti-Passback.' This activity will be logged for tracking purposes. 

If you need to clear credential violations for multiple users, you can perform a mass clear. 

  • To perform a mass clear, click on the 'Control Center' tab of your Genea admin dashboard, and navigate to the 'Actions' section.

  • Next to the 'Clear Anti-Passback' option, click on the 'All Cards' button. This activity will be logged for tracking purposes in your system. 

How To Exempt Users from the Anti-Passback Feature

Do you have certain users at your property that need full, unrestricted access? If so, you can permanently exempt certain users from being affected by the Anti-Passback feature.  

1) To exempt a user from Anti-Passback, navigate to the user's profile.

2) Click the specific key upon which you would like to grant an anti-passback exemption.

3) Select the box next to 'Anti-Passback Exempt' and press the 'Save' button. Once saved, the user's key will be exempt from all anti-passback violations.

If you have any questions or need assistance setting up the Anti-Passback features at your property, please reach out to Genea Support at 

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