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Restricting the Visitor Type Usage

If you're concerned about the usage of specific Visitor Type in invitation and wants to restrict the usage; refer to this article.

Parth Sarvaiya avatar
Written by Parth Sarvaiya
Updated over 12 months ago

Visitor Type usage restriction is in line to enhance the Visitor Invitation Lifecycle by empowering System Administrators to precisely control the utilization of specific Visitor Types and related operations to designated Users only based on either their Custom Roles or Access Groups.

It enables administrators to effectively manage usage restrictions, catering to scenarios ranging from exclusive Web app usage to exclusive Walk-in or Self-Check-in situations.

If you would like to configure this usage restriction, then you have the capability to enforce restrictions at the Visitor Type level.

Navigate to "Visitor Type" -> "Select Visitor Type" -> "Settings" and select the option "Visitor Type Access."

Click on' Edit' button, Enable the toggle button and based on the requirement, add the values of Access Groups or Custom Roles- as shown below and 'Save' the configuration.

Users have the option to configure either Access Groups or Custom Roles. Any temporary access group assigned to a user will not be included in Visitor Type Access restrictions feature.

Upon configuration, only Users assigned with specific Custom Roles or Access Groups will have the privilege to create invitations as hosts for the selected Visitor Type.

Users who are not part of the selected Custom Roles or Access Groups will be unable to view or use the Visitor Type in their invitation modal. Additionally, users lacking access to the Visitor Type through their roles or access groups will be unable to perform basic actions such as Status Change, Change Validity, or Cancel invite on the existing invitations created by other Hosts.

The mentioned restriction applies specifically to using the Visitor Type feature in visitor invitations. Permissions related to viewing, editing, and deleting the Visitor Type remain unchanged and are governed solely by existing Custom Roles accesses.

In scenarios where the feature is disabled, no restriction in usage will be applied and Visitor Type will be accessible without any change.

In case where, feature enabled but no configuration values are provided, access will be restricted for all hosts by default, designating the Visitor Type as accessible solely for the Walk-in category if enabled in the respective configuration.

The Custom Access for Visitor Types is available to both Enterprise and CRE portals.

For CRE - Building Sync Users, hosts must have access to Visitor Type through both the Building and Tenant portals in order to use Visitor Type in the Visitor Invitation along with existing permissions. Please refer to the table below for a clearer understanding of the synchronization scenarios between Tenant and Building portals for Building Sync Users:


Tenant Portal - Visitor Type Access Configuration

Building Portal - Visitor Type Access Configuration

End Result


Turned Off

Turned Off

No restriction in Visitor Type usage


Turned On

Turned Off

It will apply Tenant Level restriction.

User Can access Default Visitor Type of Building Portal irrespective of the Host user is listed or not listed [In Review] in Building User records.


Turned Off

Turned On

In order to Use the Tenant Portal Visitor Type, Tenant User must have synced to Building Portal

and Tenant User must have Building Visitor Type access through their Roles or AG to create Tenant Guest Invites.


Turned On

Turned On

User will be allowed based on matching condition of Tenant and Building User Roles or AGs. User's record must overlap with values entered in Tenant & Building portals.

Users who are not listed [In-review status] in Building Portal won't be able to create Tenant Invites because they have not yet been assigned roles or access groups in the Buildings.

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