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Check-in window

Define a time window when employees are able to register to come on-site on a given day

Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over a week ago

You can define a time window for the check-in when employees will be able to register themselves to come on-site on a given day. You can set this interval in a way to open and close the window "the day before" or "the day of" reserve date of arrival. It's totally customizable for you.
To set up the check-in window, follow the below steps:
1. Locate "Check In Window" under the Safe Workplace > Check in Flow menu.

2. By default, the registration window is set to open for the entire day, hence the window frame by default will be "Opens the day of at 12:00 AM and closes the day of at 11:45 PM".

To edit the default window, click on edit and set the open time and close time of the window and click "Save".

The check-in window can maximum be of 47 hours, 45 minutes, not more than this.

Based on the time set for the check-in window, users will be able to reserve their spots in the workplace.

If you would like to learn more about Genea's Safe Workplace feature, please send inquiries to

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