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Visitor watchlist

Watch people visiting your premises by getting notified when they check-in or walk-in.

Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over 3 years ago

How does a watchlist work?

With Genea's Visitor Watchlist feature, you can notify yourself or your team members when certain guests check-in or walk-in to your premises. You can add Visitor name and Visitor Email and if a visitor’s information matches, the members you specify under alerts will receive a notification.

Please note the people added in the watchlist when check-in to your premises, will only create a notification for the admins but will not block the guests. To block specific guests from entering your workplace, please refer to our Visitor Blocklist article here.

Watchlisted visitors can check-in normally through the defined check-in flow. Notification will be received by the admin members.

Enabling visitor watchlist

To enable the visitor watchlist, proceed with the below steps:

1. Navigate to Visitor Management > Security from your admin dashboard.

2. Under Visitor Screening > Watchlist, click "Enable".

3. Once enabled, you can start adding visitors to the watchlist.

Add visitors to the watchlist

1. Click "+Add" to add a visitor to the watchlist.

a. Enter the Visitor Name and Visitor Email address.

b. Visitors will be checked against the fields based on the “Matching Method for Watchlist” you select.

  • Match all of the above fields: Will alert the members if the visitor information matches exactly with both the visitor name AND email address in the watchlist

  • Match any of the above fields: Will alert the members if the visitor information matches exactly with either the visitor name OR email address in the watchlist.

Matching methods look for exact matching of individual fields, includes punctuation and the order of words; however, matching is not case sensitive.

c. You can enter optional notes and save the visitor to be watched.

How to Enable Visitor Watchlist Notifications

1) Click on the 'Alerts' tab within your Genea admin dashboard.

2) On the 'Alerts' page, scroll down to the 'Visitor Screening' section. You will be able to input which specific administrators or users should receive notification for 'Notify when visitor matches to your watch list'.

Sample Email Notification:


Visitor Watchlist is location-based you will need to "Enable" the feature in a specific location to be able to use it.

If you would like to learn more about Genea's Visitor Management feature, please send inquiries to

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