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Visitor Management-Badge printing

This article outlines how visitor badges can be printed with credential code on it and how new badge editor can help customize the badge

Ankita Chakraborty avatar
Written by Ankita Chakraborty
Updated over 2 years ago

With Genea's new feature, you will now be able to print the badges for visitors with credential codes on them, so that credential code is available for the visitors to enter the premise. Also, there is a much-enhanced version of the badge editor allowing you to create a much better version of the badge.

How to enable automatic printing?

  1. Go to Visitor Management>Visitor Type>Select a visitor type>Settings

  2. There will be a section of "Automatic badge printing"

  3. This setting will have a toggle button that you can enable or disable

  4. Enable this to automatically print the badges from iPad once the visitor checks-in

  5. If it is Disabled, walking visitors who checks-in via iPad will not be able to print the badge for that particular visitor type.

Barcode for buildings

  1. Buildings to now have barcodes as one of the credential type along with QR code

  2. Go to Visitor Management>Visitor Type>Select a visitor type>Settings

  3. Under Credential Access for Visitors, there will be an option for a barcode in the Credential type drop down

    Note: Only if the barcode is enabled for that particular location for Visitor Management, you will be able to select is ad a credential code for that location

Credential Access setting in case of Tenant

  1. The setting here remains the same as before, and both the credential types (QR code/Barcode) will be available to Tenants

  2. Along with the tenant credential type, the credential type set for the building will also be shown in these settings, and that will be non-editable.

  3. It will let the tenant know what credential type is set for the building

How to change the barcode format?

  1. When the credential type is set as a barcode for any account while saving there is a pop-up that informs that the barcode format can be changed from the Visitor Management setting.

  2. In the Visitor Management>Setting, there is an option to change the barcode format.

  3. You can select any of the barcode formats from the dropdown.

Badge editor

As mentioned above we have an enhanced badge editor available for Visitor Management. This have multiple functionalities that can help to customize a badge as per your needs.

  1. Go to Visitor Management>Visitor Type>Select a visitor type>Badge

  2. Here you will find a badge editor which can be used to customize the badge.

  3. For any visitor type, Genea will provide a default format for a badge, which can be used as is or can be customized

  4. Features in the badge editor:

    1. Settings: Here you will be able to set the orientation and the size of the badge.

      1. There are 2 orientations that will be available: Landscape and Portrait

      2. Badge sizes: Genea offer a few default badge sizes that can be used directly from the dropdown.

        Sizes available:

        1. 62mm continuous

        2. 62mmx8mm

        3. 62mmx86mm

        4. 62mmx100mm

        5. 103mmx164mm

      3. There is also a custom option available for the same, when you select this, you can add the width and height as per the need.

      4. There is also information provided to select the size based on the printer settings, so that there is no mismatch between the size selected and the size compatible with the printer connected

    2. Background (BG): You can add background to your badge. You can either select a static image or color for the background.

    3. Text: This setting will add the visitor details on the badge, like Name, Email id, visit date, etc. All these fields will be available in the dropdown of Visitor fields.

      The fields here are the check-in fields that are used for that Visitor type and are also enabled. Any new field added here and is not hidden will be shown in the dropdown of the Visitor field

      You can change the Font, Style, Size, Alignment, Font color, Layering, and Center

    4. Square: This will add a square element to the badge, you can resize it and change the color

    5. Circle: This will add a Circle element to the badge, you can resize it and change the color

    6. Line: This will add a Line to the badge, you can resize it and change the color

    7. Image: This will allow to add a static image, Profile picture, and Location logo.

      1. In case of a static image, you get an option to select from the images in your library or upload new ones from your system

      2. If Visitor profile picture is selected, that means the Visitor profile picture will be used here. This will be the picture he uploads while he checks in

      3. If Location logo is selected, the logo of that location will be displayed

      You can resize these images, change the border, layering, and position, and rotate it as per your need.

    8. Credential: This will allow you to add the credential type (Barcode or QR code), that is selected for this visitor type, on the badge. The details of the credential type will be visible on the right, and it will be non-editable. You can change the layering and positioning of the code.

  5. After all the changes are done, you can click on Save and the badge design will be saved and whenever this particular visitor type will be used, the badge for a visitor will be generated based on the designed badge.

  6. On click of Reset, all the changes made will be reset

  7. On click of Cancel, the changes will not be saved and you go back to the default template.

Printing of Visitor badge

Visitor badge can be printed from the web app for pre-registered as well as walk-in users and also from iPad directly for walk-in users

  1. Printing for pre-registered user

    1. A badge for visitors whose invite is created from the web app by Admin/receptionist/front desk can be printed from the web app.

    2. In the list of Upcoming invites, once the visitor check-ins, a print option will be available for that visitor

    3. On click of this print icon, a preview of the badge will be visible and there will be an option to print or cancel. On click pf print the badge will be printed.

  2. Printing for the walk-in user via iPad

    1. When a user walks in and checks himself in via iPad a badge will be generated and can be printed directly from printers connected to the iPad.

    2. In this case, for security reasons, the badge that is printed will not have the credential code

  3. Printing for the walk-in user by scanning QR code

    1. When a user walks in and checks himself in by scanning the QR code from the entrance/reception a badge will be generated and can be printed from the reception/front desk

    2. In the list of Upcoming invites, once the visitor check-ins, a print option will be available for that visitor and the badge will be printed

If you have any questions about this feature or have any other requests, please reach out to

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