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Granting a User Access to Multiple Properties
Granting a User Access to Multiple Properties

Learn how to grant your users access to multiple properties.

Michael Maxsenti avatar
Written by Michael Maxsenti
Updated over 4 years ago

Do you oversee user access for multiple properties? If any of your users will need access to more than one location, such as an office in New York City and an office in San Francisco, you can easily accomplish this by assigning the user multiple access privileges in your Genea admin dashboard.

If you're adding this user to your system for the first time, you can select which locations the user will need access to when building their profile. Follow the instructions below in order to assign a new user to multiple properties.

How to Assign Multiple Locations to A New User

1) Navigate to the 'Users' section in your Genea admin dashboard, and click the ‘+ New’ button.

2) Fill out the user's name, email address (required if the user will be issued a mobile key), phone number (optional), department (optional), employee number (optional), and cost center (optional). 

3) Select the location(s) that the user will be able to access, as well as the user's property access group(s). Users can be assigned to multiple access groups if necessary. The access group(s) to which the user is assigned will determine which doors the user can access, and at what times. 

4) If the user will need access to more than one location, click on '+ Add location' to assign the user to additional properties. Be sure to select the correct access group(s) for each location if the user will have access to multiple properties.

5) Click the 'Save' button to create the user profile.

Once the user profile is created, you will be re-directed to the user profile in order to provision credentials. Any credentials issued to the user can be used by the user to gain access to all properties to which he or she is assigned. 

How to Assign Multiple Locations to An Existing User

If you have a user that will need access to multiple properties after their profile has already been created, no problem! You can easily edit the user's access privileges to add them to additional properties. Follow the instructions below in order to assign an existing user to multiple properties.

1) Navigate to the user's profile in your Genea admin dashboard. You can do this by either clicking on the 'Users' tab on the left side of your admin dashboard, or by searching for them in the general search bar at the top of your admin dashboard. Click on the user's profile.

2) Once in the user's profile, under the 'Locations' section click the '+ New' button.

3) Select the additional location to which the user will need access from the drop down menu.

4) Select the user's role at the additional location. The role will be set to 'User' by default. If the user does not need admin privileges, then you will want to keep the role set as 'User.' If the user will need admin privileges, then you can select their admin tier from the 'Role' drop down menu.

5) Select the access group or groups to which the user will be assigned at the new location.

6) Click 'Save' to save this change. Once the user has been saved to multiple locations, all of their keys can then to be used to gain access to all assigned locations.

If you have any questions about adding users to multiple properties, please send inquiries to

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