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How to Revoke Admin Privileges

Learn how to revoke administrator privileges in order to downgrade the admin to a regular user.

Michael Maxsenti avatar
Written by Michael Maxsenti
Updated over a year ago

Do you have a user that no longer needs admin privileges? If this user will still need access to your property but will no longer be performing admin responsibilities, you can downgrade the user's admin status. To do so, follow the steps below.

1) Click on the 'Admins' tab in your Genea admin dashboard and find the admin's name amongst your Genea Admins user list. Next to their name under the 'Role' column, click the role name.

2) A modal will open. To downgrade the admin to a regular user, select the 'User' option. Click Save. When downgraded to a regular user account, the user will no longer have access to the Genea admin dashboard, and the admin tab in their Genea app will no longer work.

You may also choose to adjust the admin's role to any other custom role. Based on the administrator's role, they will have access to different administrator features.

If you have any questions about Genea admin capabilities and features, please contact Genea Support at

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