Admins can issue quick grants and remotely lock or unlock doors from both their Genea admin web dashboard or their mobile devices. To learn how to remotely unlock doors via your Genea admin dashboard, click here. To issue these commands using your smartphone, follow these steps:
1) If you are a Genea administrator, you will have a tab at the bottom of your Genea app that says 'Admin.' Click on the 'Admin' tab.
2) Upon the 'Admin' tab, will pull up a list of all Genea-enabled doors and gates on your property.
TO ISSUE A QUICK GRANT, press and hold the slider button next to the door you'd like to perform the quick grant upon, and pull the slider button to the right side of your app. A quick grant will mimic a credential swipe and the door will unlock just long enough to allow someone onto your property, usually between 5-7 seconds.
TO UNLOCK THE DOOR FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, tap the name of the door you would like to remotely unlock. You will be directed to the 'Door Details' page. On this page, click the button next to the 'Unlock' option. Once unlocked, you will see a notification at the bottom of your app verifying the door is unlocked. The button will also be green in color when unlocked.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The door will remain unlocked until you press the 'Unlock' door button once more. Be careful not to forget to re-lock a door after performing a remote unlock!
To lock the door, press the 'Unlock' button once more. Once locked, you will see a notification at the bottom of your app verifying the door is locked. When locked, the button will be grey in color.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Only full system Admins with have access to both the full unlock and quick grant features. Front Desk sub-admins, and Security sub-admins will only be able to quick grant unlock doors within their assigned access group(s). User Manager sub-admins and regular users will not be able to remotely manage doors. To learn more about what features each sub-admin role can utilize, click here.
If you have any questions about using this feature, please message the Genea support team at