You can create and manage the credential at global level using the badge type. Badge type can help you control basic credentials settings like activation date, expiration date, PIN exempt and Anti passbook. A custom badge template can also be assigned to a badge type. You can learn more about badge template here.
Badge type can be added or edited from the badge menu. This menu is available to global admin. It is available in the Global Overview for Mercury users and at location level for Vertex users.
To add a badge type, navigate to the badge menu and click on the add button. This will open a popup to ask for badge type name and optional description. Enter a desired name and click Save.
Now, you will see the badge detail page. The badge detail is divided in three parts.
Badge type detail - This area allows you to rename the badge type and add an optional description for your team. Click the edit icon to make the desired changes.
Badge template - This area allows you to attach an existing badge template which will be printed for each credentials linked to this badge type. This is an optional setting. If you do not wish to use the badge printing suite, you can skip this. Click the edit button to select badge templates from the list.
Card settings - This area allows you to predefined global settings for the credentials. This can be overwritten when creating a key.
Activation Setting - There are four options available for activation settings:
No default - User can manually enter the activation period when creating key.
After - This will define the key activation date after X days from the date the key is created
On - This will define exact date and time for activation
Active immediately - This will activate the key immediately as created
Expiration - There are four options similar to activation
Deactivation - The admin can define if they would like to deactivate the key if the user does not use it for a time period
Delete Setting - you can select one of the following options for deleting the card from the user's profile after it has expired. Please keep in mind that this option will only be available if you are using Mercury Access Control hardware:
No default - User can manually delete the key after expiry.
After - This will define the key deletion date after X days from the date the key is expired
On - This will define exact date and time for expiration
Immediately after expiration - This will delete the key immediately as expired.
VIP Settings - The VIP settings includes PIN Exempt and APB (Anti Pass Back) Exempt. It had three options:
Manual - User can manually decide to turn the setting on or off when creating key.
Enable - The settings will be on by default and the user cannot update or view this during the process of creating a new key
Disable- The settings will be off by default and the user cannot update or view this during the process of creating a new key
If you would like to learn more about this feature, please send inquiries to